Our Performance Venue
Carlisle Congregational Church
147 School Street, Carlisle, MA
At the traffic circle in Carlisle Center, take School Street up the hill. The church just before the first intersection (observable from the traffic circle) is the First Religious Society. This is NOT our venue. Continue to go through the intersection and all the way up the hill. The Carlisle Congregational Church is on your left and parking is in the side lot. Please do not park in the front circle except while dropping off or picking up.

Driving Directions
From Route 128, take Routes 4 and 225 through Bedford, following Rt 225 to Carlisle (9 mi. from Rt.128)
From Route 495, take Exit 32. Follow signs to Route 225. Turn left onto Route 225, follow to Carlisle Center.
From Concord, take Lowell Road past the Colonial Inn to Carlisle (five miles from Concord Center
From all directions, at the traffic circle follow directions above.

Venue Features
Welcoming Environment: The sanctuary of the Carlisle Congregational Church provides an ideal environment in which to perform and hear a chamber music ensemble. It has adequate space for a chamber orchestra with semi-surround seating on padded pews that places the listener close to the musicians.
Superb Acoustics: The church sanctuary provides an excellent live acoustic environment without being excessively reverberant.
Year Round Venue: Environmental controls provide ample audience accommodation with healthy air flow and even temperature control throughout the year.
Disability Access: The church sanctuary is fully accessible, including wheelchair access at both front and side entrances and an elevator to eliminate climbing stairs.
A pull-down screen was used to show snap-shots of life in the year 1915 during the performance of Samuel Barber's "Knoxville: Summer of 1915."